Kelly Clarkson

Everything you need to know about Kelly Clarkson!

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Full Name: Kelly Brianne Clarkson
Birthday: 4/24/82
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125 lb.
Parents: Jeanne Taylor (mom), Steve Clarkson (dad), Jimmy Taylor (step-dad)
Siblings: Jason Clarkson, Alyssa Clarkson (she has more that we don't know the names of lol!)
Hometown Best Friends: Jessica Huggins, Brian Huggins, Lindsay Hope, Ashley
Idol Mates: Justin Guarini, Nikki McKibben, Tamyra Gray, RJ Helton, Christina Christian, Ryan Starr, AJ Gil, Jim Verraros, EJay Day
Awards: American Idol 1 Winner, 'BYL & AMLT Single' Gold (USA), 'Thankful' Gold (USA), 'Thankful' Platinum (USA), CHOICE FEMALE ARTIST at Teen Choice Awards 2003, 'Miss Independent Single' Gold (Australia), 'Thankful' Double Platinum (USA), 'Miss Independent DVD' Gold (USA), 'Low Single' Gold (Australia), 'Thankful' Gold (Australia), 'Thankful' Platinum (Canada), Best Song In a Film 'The Trouble With Love Is' at AOL Moviegoers Awards, 'The Trouble With Love Is' Gold (Australia)  

'AMLT & BYL' - 9/17/02
'AI1 Greatest Moments' - 10/1/02
'Thankful' - 4/15/03
'AI Greatest Holiday Classics' - 10/14/03
Get the lyrics to these wonderful albums here:


'AI: A Search For a Superstar' - 10/15/02
'AMLT & BYL Videos DVD' - 11/26/02 
'From Justin To Kelly' - 6/20/03 (Theaters)
'From Justin To Kelly DVD' - 8/26/03
'Miss Independent DVD' -  11/18/03


'Before Your Love' - 9/24/02
'A Moment Like This' - 10/16/02
'Miss Independent' - 5/7/03
'Low' - 8/11/03
'The Trouble With Love Is' - 11/7/03

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